Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Being, Doing, and Having

We can think of life as containing three levels, and we call these levels Beingness, Doingness, and Havingness.
Beingness is the basic experience of being alive and conscious. It is the experience we have in deep meditation, the experience of being totally complete and at rest within oneself.
Doingness is movement and activity, it stems from the natural creative energy that flows through every living things and is the source of our vitality.
Havingness is the state of being in relationship with other people and things in the universe. It is the ability to allow and accept things and people into our lives; to comfortably occupy the same space with them.
Often people attempt to live their lives backwards. They try to have more things, or more money in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do in order to have what you want.
The purpose of creative visualization is:

To connect us with our beingness
To help us focus and facilitate our doingness
To increase and expand our havingness

Three necessary elements
There are three elements within you which determine how successfully creative visualization will work for you in any given situation:

Desire: You must have a true desire to have or create that which you have chosen to visualize. By desire I don’t mean addictive, grasping desire, but a clear, strong feeling of purpose. Ask yourself “do I truly in my heart, desire this goal to be realized.

Belief:The more you believe in your chosen goal and the possibility of attaining it, the more certain you will be to do so. Ask yourself “do I believe that this goal can exist? And “do I believe that it is possible for me to realize or attain it?

Acceptance:You must be willing to accept and have that which you are seeking. Sometimes we pursue goals without which actually wanting to attain them. We are more comfortable with the process of pursuing. Ask yourself “am I really willing to have this completely?
The sum total of these three elements is what I call your INTENTION. When you have total intention to create something that is you deeply desire it you completely believe that you can do it and and you are totally willing to have it. It simply cannot fail to manifest, and usually within a very short period. The clearer and stronger your intention the more quickly and easily your creative visualization will work. In any given situation, ask yourself about the condition of your intention. If it is weak or uncertain it can often be strengthened by affirming.
"I now have total intention to creat this Here and Now!"

Monday, September 29, 2008

Power of Thinking

"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative
and universe is endlessly bountiful.
Just put forth a clear enough request,
and everything your desires must come to you."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"All things are Possible to him that Believeth."

"Believe" in every thing that you do. Say yes to every thing.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"What is "Life".

Describe life in your words.
Atkins Diet
Atkins Diet