Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Introduction Of Chakra
Chakras are spinning vortices of energy. They form the basis of the ancient Indian healing system which works on your physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual self. Chakra comes from the Sanskrit, meaning wheel or disk. Each chakra point governs certain areas of the body,
you can also imagine each chakra to be a flower, they also come in seven different colours and resonate at different frequencies. There are
many chakras in the body, but most healers look at the seven major ones. Here are the study of Seven Chakra....
there are seven major and several minor chakras in the subtle body which act as gatways to dimensions spanning from matter to consciousness.
In the human being. these seven planes correspond to archetypal levels of consciousness as well as various physical attributes.
The chakras are created by the interpenetration of two major vertical currents.
The lower chakras are of equal value and importance to the upper chakras for human beings at our present level of development.
The chakra system describes a pattern of evolution, and the human race is presently going from the third level to the fourth.
Chakra One - Root, Base (muladhara)
The Base Chakra is our connection to the earth. This is where we connect to our survival instinct, here we can feel emotionally stable and
physically fit and healthy , balance is the key part to this chakra and if we have that, we will be a grounded person.
This chakra has four petals, around a square containing a down-ward-pointing triangle. In this image I used garnet crystal as this is
associated with this chakra. Garnet also helps to purify and balance energy, its also a good protective stone and was used as a protective
talisman. Other crystals used for the base chakra are Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger’s eye Ruby, Hematite, Onyx, Smokey quartz and Rose quartz.
Cedar wood incense/oil can be used for meditating on the root chakra.
Sanskrit Name:
to Mother Earth - Root (Muladhara)Location:
Base of spine between the anus and genitals.
Survival, GroundingColor:
SmellMantra vocalization:
LAMVowel Sound:
O as in ropePetals:
Four -- Vam, Sam, Sam, SamIncense:
Ruling Planet:
Saturn, Earth
Proteins, MeatsCorresponding Verb:
I haveGuna:
Elephant, Ox, BullElement:
Red stones - Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Tigers eye, Hematite
Associated Body parts:
Bones, Skeletal structure, Colon & legs, Glandular Connection - Adrenals, Kidneys, Large Intestine, Teeth
Balanced energy:
Centred, grounded, healthy, fully alive, unlimited physical energy, can manifest abundance.Excessive energy:
Egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy entirely genital.Emotional Dysfunction's:
Mental lethargy, "spaciness", unfocused mind, Incapable
of stillness, Difficulty in achieving goals, Lack of confidence
Physical Dysfunction's:
Osteoarthritis, Constipation, Diarrhea, Piles, Colitis, Crohn's disease, Cold fingers and toes, Frequency of urination, Hypertension (high
blood pressure), Kidney stones, Impotence, Hip problems, Legs and feet.
Glandular Connection:
Adrenals, Kidneys and bladder, Tthe vertebral column, Hips, Legs, and Feet.
Hindu Deities:
Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha, Kubera, Uma, Lakshmi, Prisni
use cedar perfume or cedar wood (though not through pregnancy) avocado, apricot, cinnamon, minmosa or mint. anoint - the centre of each foot
or at the pulse points at the side of the ankles. making sure that you dilute the oils well in the ratio of three drops of essential oil to
30 ml of carrier oil.( Do not anoint with cinnamon essential oil even after it has been well diluted, as it can burn the skin.) new psychic
work, clairsistience enables you to pick up psychic impressions from the past. natural protective instincts.
Chakra Two - Sacral (Swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra is connected to our sweetness, allowing pleasure and creative expression. A balanced chakra leaves you feeling
comfortable with who you are sexually, you are able to express your inner power and beauty, you will have a lot of physical energy,healing
energy and you will experience the joys of life. This chakra has six petals and a moon crescent, The element of this chakra is water and is
associated to the moon our ‘goddess’, I have used citrine crystal embedded into the symbol and the petals, which associated with this
chakra. Citrine is a lovely crystal and never needs cleaning,It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy. It has the
ability to cleanse the chakras.
Other crystals associated with this chakra are carnelian and golden topaz. Inside the symbol I have embedded a photo of St Nectans
Glen, which is situated near Tin Tagel in Cornwall, It is believed that in ancient Pagan times the glen was the opening of the Goddess .
Sanskrit Name:
Sweetness allowing pleasure and creative expression.Location:
lower abdomen, between navel and genitals, sex organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb
WaterInner State:
FeelingsOuter State:
OrangeMantra vocalization:
VAMVowel Sound:
Oo as in "due"Guna:
TamasTarot Suit:
jasmine, rose, sandalwoodRuling Planet:
LiquidsCorresponding Verb:
I feelYoga Path:
Orris root, gardenia, damianaPetals:
Makara, Fish, sea CreaturesHindu Deities:
Indra, Varuna, Vishnu, Rakini(name of shakti at svadisthana level)Crystals Orange stones:
Citrine, Carnelian, Golden topaz.Open and Balanced:
You have a lot of sexual energy and sexual power, and you are comfortable with sexuality. You are able toexpress your power
easily; you have a lot of physical energy, a strong sex drive, a lot of healing energy, and a joy of life.
Sound frequency:
Oo-oooEmotional Dysfunction's:
unbalanced sex drive, instability, feelings of isolationPhysical Dysfunction's:
Impotence, Frigidity, Bladder and Prostate problems, Lower back pain
, Pre-menstrual syndrome, Problems with menstrual flow, Uterine fibroids, Ovarian cysts, Irritable bowel syndrome, Endometriosis,
Testicular disease.
Associated Body parts:
Sex organs, Circulatory system, Womb, Uterus, Bowels, Gall bladder, Prostate, Ovaries and Testes.
Glandular Connection:
Ovaries and TestiesChief Operating Force:
Attraction Of Opposites
Use jasmine, hibiscus myrrh (though not through pregnancy) musk and ylang ylang. anoint - above genitals or above womb with a single drop
making sure that you dilute the oils well in the ratio of three drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil. (avoid myrrh oil as it is an
irritant to sensitive parts.)
Chakra Three - Solar Plexus (Manipura)
The solar Plexus chakra is connected in-between your navel and the base of your sternum. This is your lustrous gem. It is here where you get
that feeling of flight or fight, butterflies in the stomach. This chakra is connected to the warm glowing sun, giving you vitality and
energy and the confidence to live life to the full. I like to call it out energy centre.
This chakra has ten petals and a down-ward-triangle with a T symbol which represents the fire element. In this picture I have
embedded citrine crystal as this is also excellent for the power of the sun. It is energising, and highly creative, citrine raises self
esteem and self confidence. Essentially Citrine is a wonderful stone as it promotes joy in life, it can release you of those fear and
negative traits. In the centre of the chakra `i have used sun stone, this stone can help you restore yourself and it heightens intuition. It
is also linked with good luck and good fortune. This stone is connected to the power of light and is really good for those
who suffer with depression, relieves stomach ulcers and harmonises the organs. Other crystals connected to this chakra are aventurine quartz
and topaz.
Sanskrit Name:
Lustrous gem- Purpose,effectiveness, endurance, self respect,self esteem, courage to take risks.
Navel to solar PlexusColor
FireOuter Form:
Will, Power, AssertivenessInner State:
Laughter, joy, angerSeed Sound:
TenTarot Suit:
Hod, NetzachPlanets:
Mars; also the SunMetal:
StarchesCorresponding Verb:
I canAnimals:
vetvert, rose, bergamot, ylang ylang, cinnamon, carnation, frankincense, camomile, orange blossom, honeysuckle,marigold.
Ruling Planet:
Mars + sunElement:
Yellow stones, Yellow Citrine, Topaz, Aventurine, Suns tone, Malachite (good for remembering dreams)Sound frequency:
EVowel Sound:
Ah as in "father"Hindu Deities:
Agni, Surya, Rudra, LakiniOther Pantheons:
Bright, Athene, Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Belenos, Apis, RaArchangel:
MichaelChief Operating Force:
CombustionOpen and Balanced:
You have a deeply fulfilling emotional life. You take an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to theworld . You are able to feel the sweetness of life and have a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in the universe. You feel daring
and confident and able to take risks . Hence this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer, and the charismatic extroversive
individual. Confident, Optimistic, Good humoured
Emotional Dysfunction's:
Need to be in control, oversensitive to criticism, addictive personality, aggressiveness, lowself-esteem.
Physical Dysfunction's:
stomach ulcers, fatigue weight around stomach, allergies diabetes.Associated Body parts:
stomach, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, wombGlandular Connection:
Ovaries and Testies
use jasmine, hibiscus myrrh (though not through pregnancy) musk and ylang ylang.
anoint - above genitals or above womb with a single drop making sure that you dilute the oils well in the ratio of three drops of essential
oil to 30 ml of carrier oil.( avoid myrrh oil as it is an irritant to sensitive parts.)
intuitive awareness, boost your psychometric abilities and psychic touch, helping you to pick up information about people's lives and their
future by holding objects belonging to them.
Chakra Four - Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The Heart Chakra is our central chakra, it is here that the physical body meets with spirit. This is depicted by the lotus flower with 12
petals, inside there are two triangles one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards, this represents the union of the physical body
and the spiritual body (air). The heart is very complex it not only gives us our beat for live, but here we feel all kinds of emotions,
Love, compassion, truth, as well as confusion and frustration. Once we have ascended the first three chakras on relating to survival, the
Root, self knowledge the sacral and personal power the solar plexus, we are now ready for the embodiment of enlightenment. Embodiment is
about embracing all your qualities of the lower chakras to make them part of our lives. In this image I have used watermelon tourmaline and
emerald. Watermelon tourmaline for its use with the heart chakra, the heart chakra colours are green and pink. All tourmalines are linked to
the inner flute and are good for cleansing all chakras, it helps you to feel calm taking all the energy to the higher ones for
understanding, while helping you except the need for transformation. It is said to be a a crystal for the “New Age Consciousness” known as
the Aquarian. Tourmaline is a wonderful stone for healing, and protection, it is a powerful mental healer,
it helps clear blockages & the aura. It comes in many colours and each is used for specific healing abilities. Emerald is the stone of
successful love, it has a calming effect on the emotions.
Sanskrit Name:
Balance, compassion and self acceptance, forgiveness,compassion of others. Beliefs about love and relationships.Location:
Centre of chest.Element
AirOuter State:
LoveInner State:
Compassion, LoveColor:
Rose. Bergamot, Melissa.Ruling Planet:
CopperCorresponding Verb:
I LoveCrystals Pink and green stones:
Watermelon tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Green Calcite, Jade, Malachite, Moonstone.Sound frequency:
FSeed Sound
Ay as in "play"Petals:
TwelveTarrot Sult:
TipharethYoga Path:
Bhakti YogaAnimals:
Antelope, Birds, DoveOpen and Balanced:
You are a very compassionate, understanding, and generous person. The emotions of love, joy, happiness,honesty, and respect are very important to you. You are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others, and empathetic to their pain. You
are able to feel love for all beings around you, in an ever-widening circle from yourself and family, your pets, friends, neighbours,
countrymen, fellow human beings and all fellow living beings.
on Earth. Ultimately, you can see the Divine in all beings, and you realise the same Self in you is also the Self in them as well.
Emotional Dysfunction's:
co-dependency, melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and / or betrayal.Physical Dysfunction's:
I shallow breathing, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer.Associated Body parts:
centre of chest, heart, lungs and circulation.Glandular Connection:
Thymus.Hindu Deities:
Vishnu, Lakshmi (as Preservers), Krishna, Isvara, Kama, Vayu, Aditi, UrvasiArchangel:
PaphaelChief Operating Quality:
Rose, geranium, hyacinth, lilac, lily of the valley.
anoint - use the minor chakras in the centres of the palm of hand to anoint a single drop.
The heart is the healing source, especially used with crystals,herbs and other natural
Chakra Five - Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The throat chakra is connected to either/spirit, is all is about communication, pure spirit to our inner selves and our spirit guides,
angels and the Gift of Divinity, that lies within. This chakra allows you to deeply connect to your soul and allows you to listen to your
soul speaks. It is here that we can use our voice to make sound, this chakra is also connected to creativity through speech, music &
art. Its about expression of the self. When your mind is clear so much comes easily with little effort as we are not struggling against life
itself. This lotus flower image contains 16 petals and a downwards pointing triangle and a circle representing the moon in this picture I
have a ghosted image of a woman which connects the Goddess and the power of spirit. In this image I have embedded Lapis Lazuli crystal for
it properties in connecting with spirit guardians. It helps to balance the throat, and teaches power of the spoken word and harmonises
conflict, its also good for self expression, truth, its a good thought amplifier of the higher mind creating objectivity and creativity.
Other crystals associated with this fifth chakras are turquoise, aquamarine, agate, celestite, sodalite and sapphire.
Sanskrit Name:
Harmony with others self knowledge and creativity. The power of choice and communication and self expression.Location:
centrally at base of neck, throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth and neck.Incense:
chamomile, myrrhInner State:
Synthesis Of Ideas Into SymbolsOuter Manifestation:
Bright BlueRuling Planet:
Ether, SoundCrystals Blue stones:
turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, agate, celestite, sapphire & sodalite.Sound frequency:
GSeed Sound:
Sixteen, all the sanskrit vowelsPlanet:
FruitsCorresponding Verb:
I SpeakYoga Path:
Mantra YogaAnimals:
Elephant, Bull, LionGuna:
RajasOpen and Balanced:
You are able to accept things as they are, and organise ways of working with situations. You have the power tomake changes and you are able to take responsibility for your personal needs
Emotional Dysfunction's:
perfectionism, inability to express emotions, blocked creativity.Physical Dysfunction's:
sore throats, neck ache, thyroid problems, hearing problems tinnitus, asthma.Associated Body parts:
throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth neck.Glandular Connection:
thyroid, parathyroid.Hindu Deities:
Ganga (river goddess, related to purification), SarasvatiOther Pantheons:
Hermes, the Muses, Apollo, Brigit, Seshat, NabuChief Operating Quality:
Lavender, lilies,magnolia, narcissus and violet. anoint - above genitals or above womb with a single drop. oracular wisdom, more advanced
dream work, out of body travel and 'clairaudience' psychic hearing in which you hear voices from other dimensions.
Chakra Six - Brow Chakra. (Anja)
This chakra has the ability to see other than the eyes, Its the centre of divine wisdom,intuition (sixth sense)
The ancients believed this chakra to be the seat of the soul, it acts like a gateway to knowledge and
expanded consciousness. Its here where the ida and pingal the spiralling life's currants meet. Everything
has a positive and a negative, or the yin and the yang, or day verses night, it is here when we meet at that resting place between the two
we find a stillness and bliss which is known as shushumna. It is here movement stops and the energy flows towards the sacred light of the
divine, as we rest here in this inner space it is a time of great healing where we can clear our negative thoughts from past present and
future. We can renew and arise from limitations and ascend towards liberation. This lotus flower has 2 petal which represent eyes of the
meeting serpent of energy, which is around a circle containing a downward triangle. This chakra is situated slightly above and in-between
the eyes. In the circle I have depicted a cosmic like energy, and I have embedded Amethyst and Azurite. Azurite guides psychic and intuitive
development. It cleanses and stimulates the third eye, its great for meditation and channelling. I use Amethyst as its a powerful healing
stone and adds protection while meditating on the third eye, plus its great for spiritual vibration.
Sanskrit Name:
To perceive to know- Ability to "see" other than the eyes, emotional intelligence, intuition, wisdom (sixth sense).Location:
above and between the eyebrows.Essential Form:
Seeing, IntuitionIncense:
velvet Hyacinth, violet, rose geranium.Color:
IndigoRuling Planet:
Neptune & jupiter.Element:
Light telepathic energy.Crystals Purple stones:
Amethyst, purple apatite, azurite, calcite, sapphire, fluorite,lapis lazuli.Sound frequency:
Entheognescorresponding Verb:
I seeYoga Path:
Yantra YogaAnimals:
SattvaOpen and Balanced:
You have a healthy sense of an ego or separate self, and may also have clairvoyant faculties.Emotional Dysfunction's:
Nightmares, learning difficulties, hallucinations.Physical Dysfunction's:
Headaches, poor vision, neurological disturbances, glaucoma.Associated Body parts:
Eyes, Base of skull.Glandular Connection:
Pituitary.Hindu Deities:
Shakti Hakini, Paramasiva(form of Shiva), KrishnaOther Pantheons:
Themis, Hecate, Tara, Isis, Iris, Morpheus, Belenos, ApolloPapyrus flower, lemon balm, sandalwood, juniper, lemon grass, thyme. Anoint - above and between eyebrows. Juniper (though not during
pregnancy), Lemon grass (dilute both juniper and lemon grass well in olive or almond oil as it is an skin irritant and do not use it for
anointing) and thyme (again not during pregnancy).
accessing knowledge from universal memory through meditation divination or scrying, clairvoyance or psychic seeing.
Chakra Seven - Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The Crown chakra lies at the top of the head, it is home to our pure spirit, this is where we become one with the divine. As we go through
our darkest times, and tragic things happens, and when we been disillusioned by material gains, we search for something to answer our calls,
this is when we start to look within for the answers we seek. When we find that inner peace we become whole again. ‘To simply be’ A feeling
of oneness. The element for this chakra is thought and cosmic energy, its meaning is thousand fold hence the lotus flower petals are a
thousand. The crystals I have embedded into this picture is clear quartz and amethyst. Clear quartz as its the most powerful healer and
energy amplifier on the planet. Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. And amethyst for its
powerful protection when working high spiritual vibration the its love energy.
Sanskrit Name:
Thousand fold- expanded consciousness, selflessness, spirituality.Location:
top of crown head, upper skull.Incense:
lavender, rosewood and frankincense.Ruling Planet:
InformationPersonal Function:
Violet to WhiteElement:
Thought and cosmic energy.Crystals white gold violet stones:
Clear quartz, Amethyst, diamond, white jade, white tourmaline.Sound frequency:
None, FastingCorresponding Verb:
To KnowYoga Path:
Jnana Yoga, Or MeditationGuna:
SattvasEmotional Dysfunction's:
Depression, obsessional thinking, confusion.Physical Dysfunction's:
sensitivity to pollution, chronic exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer's.Associated Body parts:
Upper skull cerebral cortex, skin.Glandular Connection:
Pineal.Hindu Deities:
Shiva, Ama-Kala (upward moving shakti), VarunaOther Pantheons:
Zeus, Allah, Nut, Enki, Inanna, Odin, Mimir, EnnoiaLotus if possible or frankincense (in which case use other fragrances for the solar plexus) amber camomile, nervoli, sage (though not
through pregnancy) or chrysanthemum.
Star magic - mystical experiences, direct channelling.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How to make soy milk?
Step1: Ingredients
You need about 125 g whole soya beans to make 1 liter of soy milk.
Step2: Soaking and dehulling the soya beans
Clean the soya beans and soak them in water for 10 - 16 hours. Although not necessary, you can remove the hulls be kneading the soya beans and flushing the loose hulls with water. Removing the hulls makes the extraction process more efficient. An alternative is to crack the soya beans before soaking. The hulls come loose easily and can be washed away. When you use cracked soya beans you need less soaking time: 6 - 8 hours.
Step3: Heating the soya beans (optional)
Heating the soya beans will destroy enzymes which are responsible for the development of beany flavour. This heating can best be achieved by microwaving the wet soaked soya beans during 2 minutes.
Step4: Grinding the soya beans
Grind the soaked soya beans and 1 liter water in a blender. Sieve the mixture trough a cheese cloth and recover the soy milk. The insoluble material which remains on the sieve is called okara, and can be used as an ingredient for bread making or as cattle feed.
Step5: Boiling the soy milk
Heat the soy milk till boiling point and continue boiling for about 5 to 10 minutes. After cooling, the soy milk is ready and can be kept in the fridge for another 3 days.
Step6: Flavouring the soy milk (optional)
The soy milk can be drunk as such but taste can be improved by adding some salt (also cow milk contains a lot of salt).
With soy milk you can easily make your own fruit smoothie. Fruit smoothies are very healthy because they contain soy milk and a lot of fresh fruits.