Monday, October 6, 2008

Going With The Flow

The only effective way to use creative visualization is in the spirit of the way of the Tao “going with the flow.” That means that you don’t have to “effort” to get where you want to go; you simply put it out clearly to the universe where you would like to Go and than patiently and harmoniously follow the flow of the river of life until it takes you there.
Going with the flow means holding onto your goals lightly (even though they may seem very important), and being willing to change them if something more appropriate and satisfying comes alone. It is that balance between keeping your destination clearly in mind, and yet also enjoying all the beautiful sense you encounter along the way.
Do affirmations to help you feel more confident and secure or to help you face fears.
The universe is unfolding perfectly

I don’t have to hang on
I can relax and let go
I can go with the flow
I always have everything I need to enjoy my hear and now
I have all the love I need within my own heart
I am a lovable and loving person
I am whole in myself
Divine love is guiding me and I am always taken care of the universe always provides
If you get a feeling at any time while doing creative visualization that you are trying to force or push something that doesn’t want to happen, back off a little and ask your higher self weather this is really the best thing for you or weather you truly desire it.
The universe may try to show you something better that you haven’t even considered.

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